The game is based on an Italian animated television series co-created by Iginio Straffi and Joanne Lee. The series follows Rose, a teenage girl from Earth who discovers a key which leads to FairyTale Land, where fairy tales come to life. She ends up at a prestigious school named Regal Academy. Rose finds out that she is the granddaughter to the headmistress Cinderella. Rose decides to enroll at Regal Academy and learn how to use magic while having adventures with her friends.
Mc Boat Racing
Tic Tac Toe Princess
Sky Rolling Balls
Draw Winx Bubble Path
Alice in Wonderland Dressup
The Ghost Game
Army Shooter
Transformers Match 3 Puzzle
Flappy bird html5
Pirate pairs
?mpostor Beans
Uphill Rush Slide Jump
Helix Jump
Mario Dash JetPack
Box Run
Minigolf Clash
Blow Them Down
Astronaut Jump
Tri Jeweled
Peugeot 2008 Offroad Driving
Ball Dont Rush
Ultimate Swish
Fashion Empire - Dressup
Zombie Parade Defense 6
Ben10 Jigsaw Puzzle
Ear Doctor